November 15, 2007

November 08, 2007

Someone's riding a bike down Crouch Hill.

Between seconds 50 and 55 the rider passes Alix and Mark's flat. Unfortunately, however, you can't see the flat block.

November 06, 2007

I ♥ Jack O'Lantern, Robyn, Guy Fawkes and wigs. Lots and lots of wigs.

I had a second interview on Halloween, which, while short, was still somehow exhausting. The most I got up to was making Jack O'Lantern biscuits. (Cookies? It's so hard being an American werewolf on London.)

So, the bulk of my Halloween fun was provided by Alix who came home from a Halloween pub quiz with her workmates (They came in first and won an MP3 player!).

Mark got in on the wig action too.

The next night we saw Robyn with Rick, John and Cesca. We met and had a couple pints at Ruby Lounge before heading over to Scala. The show was amazing. Go see Robyn. She’s fun, she’s amazing. Here she is singing ‘Cobrastyle’ at the show.

We went to Alexandra Palace to see the Guy Fawkes festivities. The fireworks were amazing. We had a great nighttime view of London as well. We could see fireworks going off all over the city. There’s usually a bonfire and an effigy to burn, but we were in the wrong spot…I did take this amazing video, though. Can you get a sense of how amazing the display was, the pageantry?

Here’s a better video of the same event by someone with a lot more skill and camera power than me.

My failed attempt at taking a photo of the fireworks. This is the best shot. Always a second too late...

We all headed over to the The Noble afterward. Nice beer, nice people. Too much beer perhaps? Alix, Mark and I got into the wigs at home…
Mark channels Pete Burns.

My glamour shot.

Mark and I went to the garden centre at Alexandra Palace where Royce was working to by an allow plant and found this dirty bird feeder...

And Maja had a baby! I have a Danish nephew, Frede Emil. I can't wait to see photos.

November 05, 2007

Dodgy kebab was cancer.

I've been lazy yet again...

Between all the fireworks and lying about, I just haven't had the time to think of witty things to say; or mundane things even. So in the mean time, here are some lovely videos.

I love Patches. He reminds me of Coco, but with a little less energy.

Brit Nation.

November 01, 2007

I'm going to see Robyn at Scala tonight!

I'm going to my first concert in ages tonight. I think the last concert I went to was either Au Revoir Simone/Slow Club or Glastonbury. My memory's shot though, so who knows what I might be forgetting.

Anyway, I'm going to see Robyn tonight at Scala with Mark, Rick and John. 'With Every Heartbeat' reached number one in the UK over the summer. I even saw Robyn getting into her car outside of MTV in Camden. Before you get to thinking I'm a stalker, I was meeting Mark for lunch.

She also has these amazing songs. Golly, I sure do love the Europops.
'Handle Me'. This is the better, original Swedish video for the song. It's wrong on so many levels.

And the silly re-release version:

'Konichiwa Bitches', 'Cobrastyle' and her first hit from 1997 'Show Me Love', which was in the top ten of the US Billboard charts, people! OK, so were Jewel and Hanson, but still.

The two most amazing shows I saw over the summer (I was at the shows in the videos:
Daft Punk at Wireless.

Björk 'Pluto' and 'Innocence' live at Glastonbury.