February 27, 2009

RIP – Wendy Richard

Wendy Richard died yesterday. So Sad.


I first knew her from Are You Being Served?. I used to watch it on PBS after Letterman and later Conan O’Brien.

The theme tune of which was referenced in Ladytron’s Paco!. Watch it set to an PSA.

When I started spending a lot of time in London, I got hooked on EastEnders. Unfortunately, her character Pauline Fowler died soon after I became a fan.

So, so sad.

February 12, 2009

Plane, heave on to Gatwick.

Yippee! I’m off to London Anglo Terror for two weeks! Marky-mou, ‘Benders, fry-ups, Marky-mou! And wedding planning. Why won’t J.Lo return my calls? Why isn’t she called J.Lo anymore?

The venue:


And Parisa [Pillows for the People] has inspired me to learn how to embed music in this here dead-end blog. If you were at my birthday in December, you probably met Ben who’s in Fenech-Soler. They even got a write up in The Guardian in September!

The Fight - Fenech Soler

If anyone can send me a couple jars of Baconnaise, I’d be forever grateful.
